At 7:08 a.m. today, I officially turned 48 years young. Wow! What a blessing. I love my birthdays. Who wouldn’t? It’s a day out of the year that we’re celebrated just for being born. Not for the things we have accomplished or anything like that. But we’re commemorated by family members, friends, and even strangers simply for it being our Birth Day. Isn’t that great?
If you know me, you know that I don’t shy away from the Birth Day festivities. I don’t keep it a secret, but I let the whole world know that I have been granted another year. In fact, I celebrate the entire month of March. I make it my mission to cherish the little things, the sweet things, special moments, the highlight of my days as well as the not so great moments. To be honest, I need to do this more often, not just in March. (*Note to self.) Bring on the Birth Day wishes, the cute emojis, texts, Birth Day hugs (I love hugs!), special social media posts, and thoughtful cards and gifts.
I hope you celebrate your Birth Day in this manner. It’s your day to be lavished on. Why? Because God did something spectacular and grand when He made you. The Creator took His sweet, precious time to delicately and meticulously fashion you into His beautiful, unique masterpiece. Don’t you know how special are you? You mean everything to Him. You are God’s marvelous handiwork! Dear one, when the Father created you, it gave Him great delight, satisfaction, and so much pride. He made you exceptional!
13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
So today, I celebrate God for creating me. I celebrate what my heavenly Father has done for me and through me. I celebrate my life and another year that He has given me. I give myself permission to embrace, rejoice, and enjoy all that this magnificent day will bring. It’s my special Birth Day and I intend to celebrate it!
In addition to celebrating me, I celebrate you, beloved. Even if it’s not your Birth Day, I celebrate your uniqueness. I celebrate your journey. I celebrate your victories and all the wondrous things God has done and will continue to do in your life. I applaud you. You are a champion (Rom. 8:27)! You CANNOT be stopped! After all you’ve been through, you continue to pursue and triumph. I’m so proud of you. I celebrate your dreams and aspirations. I’m believing, along with you, that they shall come true. Never stop dreaming.
On this remarkable day, March 16, 2018, let us celebrate the freedom that only Jesus Christ can give. For it is through Him we live, move, and have our being (Acts 17:28).
Happy Friday and Happy Birth Day!
Your Sis and Encourager, Rhovonda L. Brown Co-founder/Co-pastor of The Sanctuary Christian Fellowship Church Founder/Executive Director of Martha & Mary Ministries, Walking in Freedom! Founder/President of The Pillar of Hope
