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No More Excuses

You've talked about it. Prayed about it. Cried about it. Dreamed about it. But still have not written your book. What are you waiting for? It's time to write that book! No more excuses. No longer allow fear to hinder you. You have procrastinated long enough.

In This Masterclas You Will Discover...

Move Past Fear

You will learn how to push past your fears and excuses for writing and self-publishing your book.

Set a Budget

You will learn how to set a budget for writing and self-publishing your book.

Set Goals

You will learn how to set goals for writing and self-publishing your book.

Components of Writing

You will learn how to break down the seven components of the writing process to help you organize your thoughts to write a well-written book.

Your Purpose

You will learn how to identify your purpose for writing your book.

Genre Selection

You will learn how to select the right genre for writing your book.

Ideal Reader (IR)

You will learn how to identify your Ideal Reader (IR).

Revise & Edit

You will learn how to revise and edit your draft.

Design Your Book Cover

You will learn how to design your own book cover.

Resources for Writing & Publishing

You will learn how to identify the right kind of resources to help you write and self-publish your book.

Getting Your Book on Amazon

You will learn how to self-publish your book on Amazon.

A Tip for Writing Your Book

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