20 years ago, at 11:54am, the Lord allowed me to give birth to a beautiful, special baby, Kourtney Leche Brown. I fell in love with her hard and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She was so beautiful to me. I was in awe that I had given birth to this beautiful, tiny, baby girl.
Today, I celebrate my princess, my babygirl, my beautiful daughter’s birthday! OMG! God has His hand on you, Kourtney! You are a fighter, a winner, an overcomer, courageous, victorious, amazing, phenomenal young woman! Through the ups and downs, the Lord ALWAYS allows you to come out on top! Why? Because He loves you and has ORDAINED you for GREATNESS! You are UNSTOPPABLE! And Satan hates you! But GREATER is HE that’s within you than he that’s in the world.
Kourtney, you were born to soar, to rise, to excel, to exceed, to achieve and to be ALL GOD HAS CALLED YOU TO BE! ……..AND YOU WILL!
Happy birthday my beautiful and unique daughter! It’s an honor to be called your mother. Daddy and I thank God for you and we are loving this journey God has you own. It’s exciting, thrilling, tremendous, difficult at times, but OH, GOD!! Eyes have not seen, nor ears heard, the AWESOME things God has in store for you! He DELIGHTS in you, babygirl! God LOVES you!
We cannot wait to see you take the role of motherhood! We’re thanking God for allowing you to bless us with our first grandson! Our Karter will be here really soon!
Happy Birthday, babygirl! Have fun and enjoy your special day! You deserve it! We love you with all our hearts!
Help me wish my oldest child HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! http://ow.ly/i/mbQHw