Living ON PURPOSE Course
Life is tough already, and not knowing our purpose makes life even harder. On the other hand, confidently knowing who we are and why we exist makes the journey much sweeter and a little bit easier.
Struggling to find your passion? Not sure about your purpose in life?
If you struggle with pursuing your passion for Christ, have not identified your purpose, or find it a challenge to stand boldly in your purpose, be sure to enroll in this course. Join the waitlist and be the first to know when Living ON-PURPOSE opens for enrollment.
Here's what you’re going to learn:
Module 1: Everything Has a Purpose
Module 2: 3 P’s: All Connected
Module 3: Our Purpose is Found and Identified in God
Module 4: Living Purposefully & Victoriously
Live FREE, FULL, and ON-PURPOSE Coaching Program
Is the weight of your past hindering you from moving forward? Need encouragement, confidence, and clarity to move forward? Ready to live FREE, FULL, and ON PURPOSE?
Rhovonda and Rhovonda L. Brown Enterprise's mission is to encourage, equip, and empower women with the confidence to live an exciting life FREE, FULL, and on PURPOSE!
We want to directly impact your success by identifying and supporting your purpose, passion, and goals for spiritual, personal, and professional growth. Rhovonda comes alongside you and gives you a biblical foundation, tools, actionable strategies, and tips to break free from your past. She’s your coach and accountability partner who motivates, equips, and empowers you to live a free and victorious life.
Join Rhovonda's Life FREE, FULL, and ON PURPOSE Coaching Program. Get started today.